Home » Wayne County Commission Meets in Regular Session

Wayne County Commission Meets in Regular Session

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   The Wayne County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, June 15th, 2020 in the commission meeting room at the Wayne County Courthouse, with County Executive Jim Mangubat presiding over the meeting. Commissioners in attendance were Herbert Brewer, Tom Mathis, Tim Powell, Phillip Casteel, Vickie Petty, Sherrie Powers, David Martin, Tim Prater, Joe Hall, John McDonald, Stephen Pevahouse, and Rickey Kelley. Also present were County Clerk Stan Horton and County Attorney Andy Yarbrough. Commissioners Mary Lauren Garner and Kathryn Staggs were absent.

   Commissioner Kelley made a motion to approve the commission minutes from the previous meeting as presented. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Prater and was passed unanimously.

   Commissioner Kelley made a motion to approve the various committee minutes as presented. Commissioner Pevahouse seconded the motion, and the committee minutes were approved.

   County Clerk Horton next presented Janet Goodson to serve as a notary. Commissioner Powers made a motion to approve, and Commissioner Prater seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

   Next on the agenda was an update on Boyd Cottages Assisted Living facility. Tommy Nichols, CPA for Boyd Cottages, told the commission that due to repairs at the facility, the current year will most likely show a loss. However, the facility should be in the black in the coming year. The repairs were estimated to have cost the facility approximately $39,000.00. The commission inquired about insurance on the facility, and Mr. Nichols said that the facility pays the insurance from their budget.

   The flooding issue at the Franklin Cole residence was next on the agenda. County Executive Mangubat said that he had been in contact with Mr. Braden Hinson about evaluating the situation at the Cole property, and Mr. Hinson agreed to come make his evaluation as soon as he can. After Mr. Hinson evaluates what needs to be completed in order to prepare the site for potential flooding in the future, County Executive Mangubat will contact Mr. Cole and his attorney, Mr. Josh Polk, to let them know when they need to come to a commission meeting for a discussion.

   Next on the agenda was discussion of the Lincoln Brass building. Commissioner McDonald made a motion to table the discussion until Lincoln Brass presents a contract to the county. Commissioner Tim Prater seconded the motion, but following further discussion, Commissioner McDonald rescinded his motion to table. Commissioner Prater seconded the motion, and it was unanimously passed.

   Discussion of the former Angelica building was next. County Executive Mangubat stated that he had spoken with Jerry Hollis concerning the sale of the building site, and he is expecting Mr. Hollis to get back with him on a price that Hassell and Hughes might be willing to give for the location. The sale will have to take place after a bidding process.

   Next on the agenda was the proposed Agriculture Center. Jeff Minatra from Collier Engineering spoke to the commission regarding services his company provides that could be an asset to construction plans for the Ag Center should the county decide to pursue plans for the facility to be constructed at the Industrial Park.

   Commissioner Powell next made a motion to approve LGIP Insurance as approved by the Budget Committee. This is the county’s liability, worker’s compensation, and property insurance. Commissioner Powers seconded, and the motion passed on roll call vote with all commissioners present voting yes, with the exception of Commissioner McDonald who abstained.

   The upcoming 2020-2021 County Budget was next on the agenda. County Executive Mangubat stated that CTAS and the State Comptroller are assisting with the budget, and they are aware that it will not be presented by June 30th. However, Mangubat said that they are confident that the budget will be completed by July 31st.

   Department reports were next. Sheriff Shane Fisher, School Superintendent Marlon Davis, Road Superintendent Chuck Moser, and Solid Waste Director Robert Hayes all gave brief updates on the status and statistics from their departments.

   With no further business to come before the commission, Commissioner Kelley made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Powers seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned.

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