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Family and Consumer Sciences Education: Let’s Get Physically Active

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   Summertime is a busy time and is a good time to go outside and get active. The Center for Disease Control recommends adults get 2 hours 30 minutes each week of moderate activity or 1 hour 15 minutes at a vigorous level. Children should get at least 60 minutes each day of physical activity. You should choose activities that you enjoy and can do on a regular basis. Being active needs to be at least 10 minutes at a time; it does not have to be all at one time. You may want to change it up by trying new things or alternating days.

   Tips to stay safe while being active:

•Start slowly and build up

•Learn about the types and amounts of activity that are right for you

•Choose activities that are appropriate for your fitness level

•Build up the time you spend before switching to activities that take more effort

•Use the right safety gear and sports equipment

•Choose a safe place to do your activity

•See a health care provider if you have a health problem

   Ideas to increase physical activity:

•Get the whole family involved, play with the kids – splash in a puddle, blow bubbles and try to catch them, or dance to favorite music

•Clean the house or wash the car

•Walk, jog, skate, or cycle

•Do stretches, exercises, or pedal a stationary bike while watching television

•Mow the lawn with a push mower

•Plant and care for a vegetable or flower garden

•Replace a coffee break with a brisk 10-minute walk. Ask a friend to go with you

•Take a class in martial arts, dance, or yoga

•Canoe, row, or kayak

•Play tennis, basketball, softball, or soccer

•Take a nature walk

•Most important — have fun while being active!

   Take advantage of the nice weather and get outdoors to do some fun activities! Plan activities the whole family is do together to encourage physical activity.

   Sources: CDC, Choose MyPlate

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