Home » Collinwood Commission Hears Compliments on New Electronic Sign

Collinwood Commission Hears Compliments on New Electronic Sign

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The Collinwood City Commission met in regular session on Monday, August 14, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. in the conference/courtroom of Collinwood City Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Glenn Brown. All commissioners were in attendance, including Mayor Brown, Vice Mayor Jeremiah Stults, Commissioner Kim McFall, Commissioner Debie Pigg, and Commissioner Shaundale Hanback. City Manager Gary Victory and City Recorder Dana Simmons were in attendance as well.

The invocation was offered by Commissioner Hanback, and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.

Commissioner Pigg made a motion to approve the agenda for the meeting, and Vice Mayor Stults seconded. The agenda was unanimously approved.

Vice Mayor Stults made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 10 meeting. Commissioner Pigg seconded, and the minutes were approved as well.

The commission then reviewed current department reports. City Manager Victory asked if Stephanie Street had been bushhogged yet, and Utility Supervisor Chris Gambrell said that it had. Commissioner Hanback noted that the number of meters turned off for non-payment had gone up from last month.

Next was a discussion about the installation of new AMR meters. City Manager Victory said that AMRs had been purchased for all the lines taken over by the city from the county, and stated that they needed to be installed ASAP. Victory said that it would probably cost around $9,000 for an outside group to come in and install the meters, and the city crew could do it on a couple of Saturdays for approximately half that cost. Following a brief discussion, City Manager Stults made a motion to let the city crew install the AMRs, and Commissioner Pigg seconded. The motion carried unanimously. City Manager Victory said that he would clear it with the auditors before the city employees install the new AMRs.

The new water lines and needed equipment were next on the agenda. City Manager Victory confirmed that the mini-excavator the commission approved for purchase had been ordered and would be there in September. Mayor Brown asked if the city trucks have enough safety equipment, and Utility Supervisor Gambrell said that more safety equipment would be purchased when the upcoming safety grant is approved.

Next on the agenda was the 2023 Halloween event in Collinwood. City Manager Victory said that this 2nd annual event would be held on Broadway Street this year in order to grow the event and allow for more participants. He said that he was planning to talk to the merchants in the area about remaining open for later hours on Halloween night as well.

The basketball goals at Ralph Hughes Park were next on the agenda. City Manager Victory said that they have the actual goals to put up, but are looking for good poles that will hold the goals and last for a long time.

A resolution for the annual Safety Partners Grant was next. This grant is the one offered by Public Entity Partners that is used every year to purchase new safety equipment. The grant is in the amount of up to $2,000 with a 50% match from the city. City Manager Victory mentioned that last year’s grant was used to purchase bulletproof vests for the Police Department and some safety cones. Vice Mayor Stults made a motion to approve the resolution to apply for the Safety Partners Grant. Commissioner Pigg seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

The Wayne County Welcome Center report for the month of July was next on the agenda. Mayor Brown read that there were a total of 530 visitors in the month of July from 30 states and from foreign countries including France, Peru, Canada, England, and Switzerland. Volunteers of the Month were Steve and Sharon Wright.

Under “other” on the agenda, Mayor Brown asked the commission if they thought it would be beneficial to have the “Music in the Park” events on the same night as the car shows that are now being held at the park. The commission agreed that this should be considered next year.

Former Commissioner Danny Sandusky was in the audience at the meeting and told the commission that he has five or six loads of material that would be ideal to use for filling in the City Pool if and when the decision is made to do that.

City Manager Victory reminded everyone that Saturday, August 19th would be the last “Music in the Park” event for the year. The performers for the final event were the group Country Mile.

Victory went on to remind everyone that Old Timers’ Day was coming up on September 2nd and the tractor pull would be on September 8th and 9th.

The city manager told the commission that he had received one quote on a 2023 Ford F-150 police vehicle, but no quotes yet on any police SUVs.

Lastly, City Manager Victory said, and all the commissioners agreed, that they were hearing lots of compliments on the city’s new electronic sign located at the corner of the City Park across the street from Hasti Mart.

With no further business to come before the commission, Vice Mayor Stults made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Pigg seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.

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