Home » Wayne Co. Commission Updated on Ag Center

Wayne Co. Commission Updated on Ag Center

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The Wayne County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Tuesday, March 22, 2022. County Executive Jim Mangubat called the meeting to order. Commissioners in attendance were Ricky Kelley, Herbert Brewer, Tim Prater, Phillip Casteel, Tim Powell, Sherrie Powers, David Martin, Kathryn Staggs, John McDonald, Stephen Pevahouse, and Katherine Reeves. Also in attendance were County Clerk Stan Horton and County Attorney Andy Yarbrough. Commissioners Vickie Petty, Tom Mathis, and Mary Lauren Garner were absent.

Commissioner Kelley made a motion to approve the minutes of the previous commission meeting. Commissioner Prater seconded, and the minutes were approved. Commissioner Kelley then made a motion seconded by Commissioner Staggs to approve the minutes from the various committee meetings, and those minutes were approved as well.

Commissioner Brewer made a motion to approve Lisa Morton to serve as a Notary. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Powell and passed unanimously.

Budget amendments were next on the agenda. Commissioner McDonald made a motion to approve the amendments from each department as presented before the Budget Committee. Commissioner Powell seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

Commissioner Kelley made a motion to approve the Debt Obligation Resolution. Commissioner Prater seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.
County Executive Mangubat next informed the commission that the Water Board Committee will meet on April 7 at 6:00 p.m. in the City of Collinwood.
An update on the Ag Center was next on the agenda. Mr. Jeff Minatra stated that the site is being prepared for concrete and plumbing.

Surplus property was next on the agenda. Commissioner Kelley made a motion to approve the surplus property as presented from the Clerk & Master’s office, and Commissioner Powers seconded. The motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Kelley then made a motion to approve the sale of surplus property from the Circuit Court Clerk’s office. Commissioner Powell seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

Next, Sheriff Shane Fisher came before the commission. Following a brief discussion, Commissioner Kelley made a motion to approve the grant funding from the state that will pay deputies for highway safety overtime. The grant from the state is in the amount of $10,000, with a zero match from the county. Commissioner Martin seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Sheriff Fisher went on to report that the School Resource Officers have complete the certification course.

Commissioner Powers next made a motion to approve the Broadband Resolution. This resolution is to provide more and better broadband service for the county. Commissioner Brewer seconded, and the motion was passed unanimously on roll call vote.

Commissioner Reeves then nominated Amanda Van Fleet to fill the 7th District School Board Member vacancy. Commissioner Kelley made the motion that nominations cease and that Amanda Van Fleet be elected by acclamation. The motion passed.

Commissioner Kelley next made a motion to sell the tax sale property as listed on the courthouse steps. Commissioner Powers seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously on roll call vote.

Wayne County JECDB Director Rena Purdy came before the commission next, beginning with a discussion regarding electrical utilities at the new Forestry classroom. The fees are to be partially funded by the Board of Education and the County General Fund. There was also a brief discussion concerning the property deed of the Forestry classroom facility being deeded over to the Board of Education from the county.

Highway Superintendent Chuck Moser gave a brief update on his department, stating that the bridge on Cromwell Ridge Road is almost completed and should be re-opened within the next two weeks. He also reported that paperwork is being processed regarding the bridge on Double Branches.
Commissioner Kelley made a motion to approve the Solid Waste Annual Progress Report. Commissioner Reeves seconded, and the motion carried unanimously.

Solid Waste Director Robert Hayes stated that the tire fee charge was set at 10% above the cost of the county charge for disposal, and that fee would most likely be changing due to the rate increase for the county. He said that the Solid Waste Department would let the commission know when the changes are made.

A cash flow report from Boyd Cottages was presented to the commission. Boyd Cottages Director Gina Skelton was unable to attend the meeting due to being short staffed at the facility.

County Executive Mangubat stated that he sent a letter to Lincoln Brass/Mueller concerning the request of a facility clean-up when operations are complete at the location.

The commission was informed that an insurance meeting will soon be planned with Blue Cross to get an estimated cost of insurance for county employees. The issue of no insurance for county employees has been plaguing the county for several years.

With no further business to come before the commission, Commissioner Kelley made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Powell seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned.

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