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Waynesboro City Commission Decides Not to Postpone Trick-or-Treating


   The Waynesboro City Commission met in regular session on Monday, October 28th, 2019 at City Hall in Waynesboro. All commissioners were in attendance, including Mayor Jeff Howell, Vice Mayor Charlie Mosley, Commissioner Chris Bevis, Commissioner Jeff Davis, and Commissioner Tony Creasy. City Manager John Hickman, City Attorney Josh Polk, and City Recorder Paige Jackson were in attendance as well.

   Mayor Howell called the meeting to order, and Vice Mayor Mosley offered the invocation.

   Commissioner Creasy first made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Commissioner Bevis seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved.

   City Manager Hickman confirmed that there had been a main water line break in front of Bundrant’s Car Care on Dexter Woods Boulevard earlier in the day, and the city maintenance crew was still working on repairing the break at the time of the meeting.

   The only item of new business on the agenda was the date of the next scheduled meeting, which falls on Veterans Day, Monday, November 11th. Commissioner Bevis made a motion to re-schedule the meeting to Tuesday, November 12th at 5:00 p.m. Vice Mayor Mosley seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved.

   Under open items on the agenda, Mayor Howell said that he had been approached about the possibility of changing trick-or-treating in the city from Thursday to Saturday due to the threat of heavy rain. After a brief discussion, the commissioners verbally agreed that it would not be necessary to formally change the date, and hopefully the rain will be moved out of our area in time for trick-or-treating.

   Mayor Howell also told the commission that he and Commissioners Creasy and Davis recently attended the annual Governor’s Conference, which was very informative. All three said that they learned many interesting facts about our state, and especially enjoyed some interesting seminars on rural economic development.

   Commissioner Creasy told the commission that he had received complaints about three dogs running loose on Highway 99 that are tearing into people’s garbage and generally making a mess. Other commissioners said that they had been told of problems with what are probably the same animals.

   Commissioner Creasy also reiterated the Waynesboro Municipal Golf Course policy of one free bucket of range balls per day per member, clarifying a conversation he recently had with a member at the golf course.

   Vice Mayor Mosley told the commission that he recently spoke with Steven Turnbow, who oversees a lot of the projects and fundraising with the WCHS baseball team, and Turnbow extended his thanks to the city for working together with the team to get necessary things accomplished.

   Vice Mayor Mosley also said that Movie Night in the Park was postponed last Saturday due to the inclement weather, and plans were made to have the event this Saturday, November 2nd. However, with more inclement weather predicted, and winter just around the corner, the decision was made to cancel the event for now and pick back up next spring.

   With no further business to come before the commission, Commissioner Creasy made a motion to adjourn. Vice Mayor Mosley seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned.