WHEREAS, by Trust Deed, dated the 29th day of December, 2014, recorded in the Register’s Office of Wayne County, Tennessee, in Record Book 171, Pages 225-234, MATTHEW EAVES, conveyed in Trust to W. Andrew Yarbrough, Trustee, for Peoples Bank, the real property hereinafter described to secure the payment of a certain indebtedness described in said Deed of Trust; and
WHEREAS, the said Trustee was unable to act as such Trustee, and Peoples Bank as the owner and holder of the debt secured by said Deed of Trust, appointed James Y. Ross, Sr., as Substitute Trustee by document duly recorded in the Register’s Office of Wayne County, Tennessee, in Record Book 225, Page 105, as authorized by said Deed of Trust; and
WHEREAS, default having been made in the payment of the debt, obligations, terms and conditions provided for in said Deed of Trust, and the entire indebtedness secured by the above referenced Deed of Trust has matured and is past due and unpaid; and
WHEREAS, the owner and holder of said Note secured by said Deed of Trust has directed the undersigned Substitute Trustee to foreclose said Deed of Trust in accordance with the terms and provisions thereof;
NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Substitute Trustee under said Deeds of Trust, I will, on the 10th day of June 2020, at 12:15 p.m., at the East door of the courthouse in Wayne, Tennessee, offer for sale and sell at public outcry to the last, highest and best bidder for cash and in bar of the equity of redemption, the statutory right of redemption, homestead, dower, curtesy, and all rights and exceptions of every kind, all of which is expressly waived in said Deeds of Trust, the following described real property:
A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Second (2nd) Civil District of Wayne County, Tennessee and being more particularly bounded and described as follows:
BEGINNING at a stake standing North 37 ½ degrees East 130 feet and 5 inches and North 36-1/2 degrees East 333 feet from the Southeast corner of the lot conveyed by C.E. Helton and wife, to J.W. Evans and wife, by deed dated February 11 , 1960, and recorded in Deed Book No. 42, Page 137, Register’s Office of Wayne County, Tennessee; thence North 36-1/2 degrees East 100 feet to a stake, the same being the Southeast corner of Lot No. 5 of the C.E. Helton Subdivision; thence North 55 degrees West 290 feet to a stake in the East margin of a graded road or street, the same being the Southwest corner of said Lot No. 5; thence South 37 degrees West with said East margin of graded road, 100 feet to a stake, the same being the Northeast corner of Lot No. 3, thence South 55 degrees East with line of said Lot No. 3, 290 feet to the beginning, containing by estimation 29,000 square feet, be the same more or less.
This being the same real property conveyed to Matthew Eaves, by deed of Kenneth Ray Eaves, Jr. and Joshua Clark Eaves, dated December 29, 2014, of record in Record Book 171, Page 223, Register’s Office of Wayne County, Tennessee.
The street address of the above-described property, whether real, personal or otherwise, is believed to be: 203 Forrest Avenue, Clifton, Tennessee, 38425; but such address is not part of the legal description of the property described herein above and, in the event of any discrepancy, the legal description herein shall control.
Said real property will be sold subject to any and all unpaid taxes, restrictive covenants, subdivision restrictions, and building lines, easements for public utilities, and other easements, and any and all prior restrictions, encumbrances, fixture filings, liens of any nature, including Federal Tax Liens and State Tax Liens and statutory rights of redemption of any county, municipal, state or federal governmental entity, and any matter that an accurate survey, or personal observation, of the premises might disclose. In addition, the following parties may claim an interest in said property, to wit:
Lien Holders: Peoples Bank
Other Interested Parties: Wayne County Trustee, City of Clifton
The right is reserved to adjourn the day, time, and place certain without further publication, upon announcement at the time and place for the sale set forth herein. If the highest bidder cannot pay the bid, then the next highest bidder, at their highest bid, will be deemed the successful bidder. However, this property is being sold with the express reservation that the sale is subject to confirmation by the owner/holder or trustee/substitute trustee, and this sale may be rescinded at any time by the owner/holder or substitute/trustee.
Title to said real property is believed to be good, but I will sell and convey he same only as Substitute Trustee, and the buyer must rely upon his or her own judgment and investigation as to the status of title.
The purpose of this communication is to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for the purpose of collecting said indebtedness.
This 18th day of May, 2020.
(931) 722-7175/FACSIMLE (931) 722-7190