Due to the ever-changing conditions surrounding COVID-19, the Wayne County School System has revised the reopening schedule for the month of August through September 4. Director of Schools Marlon Davis stated that the schedule will be re-evaluated at the end of August using all available data and recommendations.
•Students will be divided into groups and will receive instruction in the building every third day. Students will be identified as Group A, B, or C. Siblings will be scheduled to attend on the same days. The group schedules are as follows:
-Group A: August 12, 17, 20, 25, 28, and September 2
-Group B: August 13, 18, 21, 26, 31, and September 3
-Group C: August 14, 19, 24, 27, September 1 and 4
•Students will be provided with instructional activities and the opportunity for virtual learning on the days that they are not physically at school
•Students will have exposure to a fewer number of individuals and allow for social distancing (approximately 6-8 students per classroom).
•Students will receive more individualized instruction and intervention to master needed skills and standards. Academic gaps resulting from the extended closure will be addressed.
•This could possibly delay or prevent a schoolwide shutdown by limiting the number of students being exposed and exposing germs to each other.
Parents of students in the Wayne County school system are strongly encouraged to log on to the school system’s website at www.waynetn.net. There is parent guide for school reopening that contains important information, along with a detailed framework and protocols for reopening.
Online registration is currently underway, and parents are strongly encouraged to register their students online before the August 6th deadline at www.waynetn.net. If you are unable to register your child online, you may register them at the school they will be attending on Thursday, August 6th. Students who register online do not need to come to the in-person registration on August 6th.
The Wayne County School System will offer three different options for learning this year:
Traditonal - Students will attend school on a normal school schedule with some modifications.
Distance Learning - Students enroll in one of our schools, but all school work will be done offsite. Wayne County teachers will be responsible for instruction. This is a FREE program. Not all of the Distance Learning will be online because Wayne County does not have adequate internet service for the entire county, and some people do not have internet in their homes. The schools will provide work packets for those students without internet at home.
Virtual School - Students register with the Wayne County Board of Education as a homeschool student. Current homeschool students may also register for this program. This is a tuition-free, online program with Tennessee certified teachers. The Virtual School is a homeschool approach that is a free online program for people who are currently homeschooling or want to move to that option. There is a yearly application fee. This is NOT done through the child’s school.
Anyone with questions about the Distance Learning or Virtual School programs may call 931-722-9923.