Planning Shopping Trips
•Keep a pad and pencil handy for jotting down foods as they run low. Encourage all family members to add to the list.
•Don’t shop with a hungry or tired child, or when you are hungry.
At the Store
•Stick to your shopping list; avoid impulse purchases. However, watch for “in store” specials that you know you can use.
•When buying a food for the first time, buy a small amount in case you don’t like it.
•Use in‐store flyers to find items on sale.
•Invest in staple foods like canned fruit, tuna, or sauces when they are on sale.
•Avoid buying pre‐cut fresh foods; cut your own to save money.
•Use coupons only for foods you would normally buy and if a cheaper store brand is not available.
•Buy a larger package only if the unit price is cheaper (check shelf label) and if you will use it all before it goes bad.
•Buy store brands; they usually are similar to brand name products but cost less.
Other Tips for Saving Money
•Plan meals around items that are on sale, especially costly items like meat and fish.
•Select canned and frozen foods when they are cheaper than fresh; avoid foods with added salt or sugars.