As of May 8, eligible Wayne County voters are now able to request ballots to vote absentee by- mail for the August 6 State and Federal Primary and County General election. “Our office is working hard to process absentee by-mail ballot requests for the August election,” said Lillie Ruth Brewer, Wayne County Administrator of Elections. “I encourage Wayne County voters to make your request now.”
Tennessee state law provides numerous ways to vote absentee by-mail. One of the most popular reasons to vote absentee is being 60 years or older. Other reasons allowed under state law to vote by-mail include:
•The voter will be outside the county where they vote during the early voting period and all day on Election Day.
•The voter or the voter’s spouse is enrolled as a full-time student in an accredited college or university outside the county of registration.
•The voter will be unable to vote in person due to service as a juror.
•The voter is hospitalized, ill or physically disabled and because of such condition, cannot vote in person.
•The voter is a caretaker of a person who is hospitalized, ill or disabled.
•The voter will be working as a poll official.
•The voter is a member of the military and out of the county where they vote.
For a list of all statutory reasons to vote absentee by-mail go to
For voters who meet a reason under Tennessee law to vote absentee by-mail, the next step is to submit a written request to the Wayne County Election Commission by mail at 100 Court Circle, Suite 201, Waynesboro, TN 38485, by fax at 931-722-2388, or by email at
To submit a request by email, attach a document with all the necessary information listed and your scanned signature. Your request must include:
•Your name
•Address where you live
•Full social security number
•Date of birth
•The address to mail the ballot to, if different than your home address
To receive a primary ballot for the August election, you must request either a Republican or Democratic primary ballot. If a party is not specified, you will only receive the general election ballot. You must also include which of the qualifying reasons you meet to vote absentee by-mail (for example, “I am 60 years old”), and your signature. While not required, a phone number is recommended in case the Wayne County Election Commission needs any additional information.
Requests must be received by the Wayne County Election Commission no later than seven (7) days before the election. For the August 6 State and Federal Primary and County General Election, complete absentee by-mail requests must be received by July 30.
“Lillie Ruth Brewer, Administrator of Elections in Wayne County, has been diligently preparing for this election,” said Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett. “Their office is ready to assist you with your absentee by-mail ballot request.”
For more information about voting absentee by-mail, visit