The Collinwood City Commission met in regular session on Monday, February 10th, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. in the conference/courtroom of Collinwood City Hall.
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Glenn Brown. Commissioners in attendance were Vice Mayor Danny Sandusky, Commissioner Debie Pigg, and Commissioner Butch Kephart. City Manager Gary Victory and City Recorder Cindy Kephart were in attendance as well. Commissioner Jeremiah Stults was absent.
Mayor Brown called the meeting to order, and the invocation was offered by Commissioner Kephart. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by all.
First was approval of the agenda. A motion was made by Commissioner Pigg and seconded by Vice Mayor Sandusky to approve the agenda as presented, and the motion carried.
The next item on the agenda was the approval of the minutes from the regular meeting held on January 13th, 2020. Commissioner Kephart made a motion and Commissioner Pigg seconded to approve the minutes, and they were unanimously approved.
Department reports were distributed to the commissioners for their review. City Manager Victory said that there had still been a few problems with the automated gas meter readers, but the city employees had been taking physical readings of the meters in question so that accurate readings could be guaranteed for all gas customers. Vice Mayor Sandusky told the commission that he had received some complaints about a rough patch of gravel on Marshall Street, and City Manager Victory said he would check on it.
Bonnie Walker with South Central Tennessee Development District (SCTDD) gave a presentation to the commission regarding assistance with programs and benefits for the elderly. SCTDD offers assistance for seniors with programs such as emergency home repairs, nutrition services, homemaker services, transportation, and SNAP benefits. Ms. Walker stressed the fact that many seniors are missing out on public and private assistance programs they may be eligible for, and said that any older or disabled adults who are interested in any of the programs may call her at 931-379-2955.
The next item on the agenda was the fire truck grant. City Manager Victory told the commission that he is in the process of getting all the necessary information to the company the commission decided in the last meeting to use to write the grant application for a new fire truck. A representative from that company told Victory that he thinks the city has a very good chance of getting a grant to fund most of the cost of a new pumper truck.
Next, City Manager Victory informed the commission that a new contract had been written in connection with the TDOT project on Indian Creek Road. The contract was changed to reflect the estimated payment from ECD on the project.
Mayor Brown then gave the Wayne County Welcome Center report for January, 2020. There were a total of 619 visitors at the Welcome Center in January from the United States and Canada. Jasper Brewer and Aaron Holt were Volunteers of the Month.
Under “other” on the agenda, the commission once again discussed the upcoming Music in the Park events. All commissioners present agreed that they would like to continue to use local bands for the performances. Mayor Brown instructed City Manager Victory to be finalizing the bands that are going to perform, and the dates they will perform. Victory also said he would get the concessions providers lined up.
Finally, City Manager Victory gave a brief update on the Safe Routes to School Grant project. He said that there have been a few complaints about the intersection near the middle school being rough since it was milled out, and they are still waiting on asphalt to be put down.
With no further business to come before the commission, Vice Mayor Sandusky made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Pigg seconded the motion, and the meeting was adjourned.