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Austin Carroll Announces Candidacy for 71st District State Representative


   “Hello Friends and Neighbors, 

   The 71st District needs new unabated, honest and effective Leadership!

   I’m Austin Carroll and I’m running for State Representative for the 71st District. That’s Hardin, Wayne, Lewis and Western Lawrence Counties. I have the commitment, experience, and know-how to bring resources to our area’s people and communities. That is why I’m introducing myself and my campaign ideas to you today.

   I’m a native of Lewis County and a graduate of Lewis County High School. I worked the truck docks in Nashville while attending Middle Tennessee State University and earned a Bachelor of Science degree in 1973. In 1983, while working full time as a District Engineer for Tennessee Valley Authority, I earned a Master of Business Administration from Austin Peay State University night program.   

   In 1986 I was hired as the General Manager of the Hopkinsville, Kentucky Electric System. I have more than 30 years of CEO experience in successfully managing this municipal electric company and internet business for Hopkinsville, Kentucky which serves more than 30,000 residents with annual revenues of more than $35 million. In 1999, I launched EnergyNet, the municipal internet business that we needed to serve all of our customers, when private providers were unwilling to offer broadband service to Hopkinsville. When I retired in 2017, we were not only serving our county, but two other neighboring counties and were known as the “best in the business” for service and reliability. We always maintained an excellent financial condition with perfect independent audits, low rates and the highest quality of service.Through all of work, I gained the experience and reputation to run a trusted and effective organization that continues to provide excellent electric and internet service to the highest financial management standards today.

   In my CEO role, I have worked extensively on economic development and legislation with lawmakers at the State and National levels. I served on our local Hopkinsville and Kentucky’s state-wide economic development council, for 30 years and many professional boards and associations. All of these industry leadership roles provided me the opportunity to actively work to protect and expand affordable and reliable electric and internet services and bring new jobs to rural residents of Western Kentucky and Northwestern Tennessee. I will bring this same know how and experience to help create new and much needed jobs, businesses, infrastructure and internet services to Lewis, Wayne, Hardin and northern Lawrence if elected to serve you and our counties.

   In 1988, I had the honor of being named Kentucky Landowner of the Year for our natural resource practices on our farm. I have also been recognized on the local, state, and national level during my career for my professional work and volunteerism. I have been honored to receive the State of Kentucky Economic Development Award for Volunteerism, and the Tennessee Valley Public Power Association’s Distinguished Service Award for Innovation and Service to the Community, as well as the American Public Power Award for Community Service. I continue to serve on the Board of the Association of Tennessee Valley Governments and maintain many of my professional relationships and contacts across the Tennessee Valley.

   In 2015, my wife and I moved with our alpacas, dogs and cats from Kentucky back to my family’s 1889 homeplace on the Buffalo River near Hohenwald, Tennessee. I am now proud to serve Lewis County as a County Commissioner for my home district and have created many new relationships in this role that will benefit my work for you as your State Representative. 

   In my County Commissioner role, I see a lot of needs that Lewis County has at this time and I’m working with my colleagues to address them. I have also learned a lot about the many Rural Economic Development, Internet and Workforce Development resources that Governor Lee, our Legislators, and State and Federal Government Departments are providing to rural parts of Tennessee since taking office. Tennessee is doing a great job in Rural Development. Now is the time for Lewis, Wayne, Hardin and Lawrence Counties to take advantage of these opportunities.

   I understand that all of our counties in the 71st District are not fully benefitting from Tennessee’s Rural Development programs and funding. A strong and well respected State Representative should take a lead role to bring these resources and funding to our people, businesses, towns and counties. I can and will work with our local elected officials, business and community leaders, and citizens to obtain more resources and implement important programs and services when elected. 

   In my campaign, I have many ideas and commit to work on jobs and rural economic development, funding for roads and internet services, tourism and agriculture enhancement, downtown revitalization and infrastructure, public safety and healthcare services, education and workforce development needs and priorities for all of our counties, towns and cities. I will be sharing more on these ideas with you throughout my campaign and how I will be an effective State Representative for all if elected.

   I’m asking you to vote for AUSTIN CARROLL in the August 6 Republican Primary.

   Thank you for your support and stay safe!”
