The Tennessee Youth Livestock All-Star Banquet was held on October 11, 2019 in the Hollingsworth Auditorium on the University of Tennessee campus. The purpose of this banquet was to highlight the accomplishments of youth involved in the youth livestock projects over the past year. Youth were selected based on their performance at:
-State swine, beef, sheep, and goat shows relative to placing, showmanship, skillathon, and premier exhibitor
-State 4-H livestock, meat, and dairy judging contests
-State 4-H livestock and dairy quiz bowl contests
-State 4-H beef, dairy, swine, sheep, goat, and vet science projects.
Avery Rowlett, a Wayne County 4-H’er, was selected to attend this event. Avery placed 2nd in Angus, 1st in AOB, and 5th in Skillathon at the Central Region Beef Expo. At the State Beef Expo, she placed 2nd in Angus, 1st in class in AOB, Reserve Champion overall in AOB, 1st place in Showmanship, and 4th place in Premier Exhibitor. We want to recognize Avery for her achievements in the Beef Project and congratulate her!
If your 4-H’er is interested in showing livestock (cows, goats, sheep, or hogs) or horses, please contact the Extension Office at 722-3229 for more information on how you can get involved.
Avery is pictured with Coach Kellie Harper, the keynote speaker for the banquet.