4-H Virtual Dog Show
The Wayne County 4-H will be hosting a 4-H Dog Show via the 4-H Facebook Page online. There will be a post pinned to the top of the 4-H Facebook page to submit your photos! The classes will be as follows – cutest puppy and best form. There will be a Junior level (4th and 5th grade), Junior High level (6th, 7th, and 8th grade), and Senior High level (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade). The page to submit the photos will be https://www.facebook.com/groups/WayneCounty4H. Each 4-H member may submit one entry per class (for example, one entry in the cutest puppy class and one in the best form class). Each entry must include the 4-H’ers name, grade, class name, and dog’s name. If you don’t have a Facebook account, you can submit an entry via e-mail to scarte10@utk.edu. Entries should be submitted by August 14th.
4-H Virtual Craft Show
We have some really amazing artists in our 4-H program, and we’d love to have a chance to showcase your work! We’re going to have a virtual craft show online. The classes are as follows:
Painting, Water, Acrylic, Drawing, Sculpture, Sewing, Miscellaneous Crafts. Classes will be divided into age categories – Junior (4th and 5th grade), Junior High (6th, 7th, and 8th), and Senior High (9th-12th). Photos of items, with 4-H’ers name, grade, and brief description of entry (1-2 sentences max) can be submitted via e-mail to scarte10@utk.edu or on the 4-H Facebook page. Each 4-H member may submit 1 entry per class. Entries should be submitted by August 14th.
July Brown Bag
Make sure you stop by the Clifton Library, Wayne County Welcome Center at Collinwood, or the Extension Office, and check out the July Brown Bag activities! There’s a lot of new activities involving the Line and Design, Food Science, Plant Science, Health & Nutrition, and more! Make sure you fill out your survey to give us your feedback on the projects you’ve tried, as well as to enter yourself into a drawing for a prize!
If you have any questions about the above contests, 4-H activities, or anything 4-H related, please feel free to contact Samantha Morrow at the Wayne County Extension Office at 722-3229 or via e-mail at scarte10@utk.edu.