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2021-22 School Budget Includes 3% Raise for All Employees

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   The Wayne County School Board met in regular session on Thursday, June 24th, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room. All board members were present, including Chairman Andy Yarbrough, Greg Eaton, Dwight Bumphus, Sherman Martin, Debbie Brown, Charity Horton, and Camryn Eaton. Superintendent Marlon Davis was present as well.

   Chairman Yarbrough called the meeting to order, and invited all those in attendance to participate in a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.

    The first items on the agenda included adoption of the consent items, minutes of the May meeting, and the May ledger of accounts. Sherman Martin made a motion to approve. The motion was seconded by Dwight Bumphus, and was passed unanimously.

   The first item under new business was Policy Review: Section 6 – Student – 6.602-6.712. Superintendent Davis had no recommended changes to the policy.

   Next was approval of overnight trips. Superintendent Davis presented one trip, WMS Cheerleaders – Camp, July 15-18. Charity Horton made a motion to approve the trip, and Camryn Eaton seconded. The trip was unanimously approved.

   The next item under new business was Student Data Review. Ragan Stooksberry addressed the board, presenting data from the spring benchmark testing. Data showed that significantly more students will require intervention as compared to previous years. Following a short discussion, Mr. Yarbrough requested that updated data be presented after the winter benchmarks next year.

   Next on the agenda was Health Services Review for 2020-21. Superintendent Davis presented a report submitted by Sherry Daniel outlining health services provided during the past year.

   Next was ESSER 3.0-Continuity of Service Plan. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides funding to LEAs through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund, to address the impact of COVID-19 on elementary and secondary schools. Walter Butler outlined for the board the various components of the district’s ESSER 3.0 plan. He stated that 20% of the funds must be spent on learning loss, and went on to say that the public will have opportunities to provide input. On July 6, a survey will be posted on the district’s website, and anyone may call the central office from 2-4pm on July 7 & 8 to ask questions and provide input.

   Bids for gutters, central units, and HVAC units were next on the agenda. Superintendent Davis stated that no bids were received for gutters for WES and CES. He presented bids for HVAC unit replacements, and following a lengthy discussion, Greg Eaton made a motion to award Morris Refrigeration the bid for installation at Collinwood, River City Refrigeration for installation at Waynesboro, and purchase the units from Wittichen Supply. Charity Horton seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously on roll call vote.

   Superintendent Davis said that only one bid was received for the installation of HVAC systems in the CMS and WMS gyms. This bid was approximately $910,000 for both. He said that this bid was much more than anticipated, and recommended advertising again for bids. Charity Horton made a motion to re-bid the HVAC systems at the CMS and WMS gyms, and Greg Eaton seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

   Budget amendments were next on the agenda. Superintendent Davis presented a lengthy list of line-item budget amendments totaling over $1 million. These amendments do not involve the addition or taking away of any monies; they are simply transferring funds from one line item in the budget to another. Sherman Martin made a motion to approve the amendments, and Debbie Brown seconded. The budget amendments were unanimously approved on roll call vote.

   The 2021-22 Budget was the final item of new business on the agenda. Superintendent Davis presented the board with the proposed budget, stating that the budget includes a 3% raise for all employees and in increase of $220/year for the local insurance contribution. Sherman Martin made a motion to approve the budget as presented. Charity Horton seconded, and the motion passed unanimously on roll call vote.

   The consolidated application was under “other” on the agenda. Superintendent Davis reminded the board that this application requires annual approval. Charity Horton made a motion to approve, and Dwight Bumphus seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

   Volunteer coaches were also presented under “other” on the agenda. Superintendent Davis presented the following for approval: Billy Joe Martin-WMS Football, Brian Wilson-CMS Football, Peyton Risner-CMS Football, and Taylor Weaver-CMS Football. Greg Eaton made a motion to approve the list as presented, and Debbie Brown seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

   Surplus items were next. Superintendent Davis presented a list of computer and electronic items from WCHS and requested that they be declared as surplus. Sherman Martin made a motion to approve the list, and Charity Horton seconded. The motion carried unanimously.

   With no further business to come before the board, Charity Horton made a motion to adjourn. Sherman Martin seconded, and the meeting was adjourned.

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